Understand – what is anesthesia

What is Anesthesia? Anesthesia is used in surgery to minimize pain, discomfort, and shock for surgical patients. There are several types of anesthesia which can be used depending on the needs of the surgery: general, local, regional, and conscious sedation. When anesthesia works as expected, the patient feels no pain during a procedure, and often ... Read More

What Is Endotracheal Anesthesia?

Endotracheal anesthesia is a form of anesthesia in which inhaled gases are delivered directly into the trachea with the use of an endotracheal tube. As long as gases are supplied through the tube, the patient will remain deeply unconscious and insensate to pain. This technique is widely used for the purpose of keeping patients unconscious ... Read More

What Is a Local Anesthetic?

A local anesthetic is a type of treatment or medication used to provide analgesia, or pain relief, to a specific area of the body. Often, a doctor, nurse or anesthesiologist applies a local anesthetic to a certain area before a minor surgical procedure. It differs in contrast to a general anesthetic, which causees an individual ... Read More

What Is Regional Anesthesia?

Before anesthesia, a surgery would have to take place as quickly as possible because the patient could experience severe shock from the pain and trauma of being cut open. The development of anesthesia allowed surgeons to take more time to perform the necessary surgery with less risk of severely traumatizing the patient. Regional anesthesia is ... Read More

CPT Modifiers for Clinical Laboratory Services.

Add the appropriate Level 1 or Level II CPT modifier to the five digit code or identify the modifier by use of a separate code by adding 099 before the 2 digit number e.g. 09950, 09951. Level 1 Modifier                                                     Description -59 Distinct Procedural Service                               The modifier –59 is appropriate to report multiple service submissions for ... Read More

Types of Anesthesia and Anesthesia Services

Anesthesia Service by the Surgeon: Anesthesia services personally furnished by the physician performing the surgical, therapeutic or diagnostic procedure are considered an integral component of the primary procedure. This may include local injections, regional blocks, and intravenous medication. General anesthesia administered and monitored by the surgeon is not considered medically appropriate. Balanced Anesthesia: Anesthesia that ... Read More

Anesthesia Medically Necessary- when will be considered.

General Anesthesia or Regional Anesthesia Administration of general or regional anesthesia is considered medically necessary when both of the following criteria are met: a. The services are provided by an individual other than the attending physician performing the procedure; AND b. Alternative types of anesthesia, sedation, or analgesia are not appropriate. If general or regional ... Read More

Anesthesia Physical Status Modifier

Anesthesia Modifiers 1. Physical Status Modifiers. Physical status modifying units will be reimbursed if the patient is ranked in one of the following three categories. Physical status is included in CPT to distinguish various levels of complexity of the anesthesia service provided. Example: 00100-P3 Status Modifiers    Description                                        Modifying Unit Value P3                      A patient with severe ... Read More

CPT and HCPCS Modifiers for Anesthesia Services.

Add the appropriate Level 1 CPT modifier or HCPCS Level II modifier to the five digit code or identify the modifier by use of a separate code by adding 099 before the 2 digit number e.g. 09950, 09951. Level 1 CPT Modifier                 Description -23 Unusual Anesthesia               Occasionally, a procedure, which usually requires either no anesthesia ... Read More

Special Coding Situations for Anesthesia billing

1.Multiple Procedures. When multiple surgical procedures are performed during a single anesthetic administration, report only the anesthesia procedure with the highest unit value. The time reported should be the combined total for all procedures performed. 2. Anesthesia Modifiers. Physical status and common CPT modifiers used in conjunction with anesthesia codes can be found in 114.3 ... Read More